Group of the month: Dinophilidae
The group of the month I would like to introduce to you today is a group I have a close personal connection with. The group goes back a long way with me. I will... Read more.
Månedens gruppe: Dinophilidae
Månedens gruppe jeg vil presentere for dere i dag, er en gruppe jeg har et nært personlig forhold til. Gruppen har en lang historie for meg. Jeg vil presenter... Read more.
New year – new name; FEZ is now CEG
As written in our last blog of the advent calendar, we had many changes already last year with a new group leader and a new group webpage, which we is still dev... Read more.
Nytt år – nytt navn; FEZ heter nå KEG
Som vi skrev i forrige blogg i adventskalenderen, hadde vi mange endringer allerede i fjor, med ny gruppeleder og en ny nettside, som vi skal videreutvikle i å... Read more.
På Norsk
Fra og med 2024 kan du også lese blogginnleggene våre her på norsk.... Read more.
Door 24: God Jul, Merry Christmas
Today opens the last door of our advent calendar and we are looking forward to a few holidays and relaxing time with families and friends. In Norway, it is also... Read more.
Raising the treasure of the collections for barcoding
The Biodiversity Genomic Europe (BGE) project has three streams dealing with the biodiversity crisis. In the blog so far, we have mostly presented about one str... Read more.
Door 12: Strongly biased representation of animal biodiversity in exhibitions
This year the museum has started to develop a new exhibition for our zoological museum. The former “Tree of Life” exhibition is now part of the new ... Read more.
Door 1: Sequencing genomes suggested by the community
It is the time of the year again and we are running our advent calendar again. The first door opened and reveals an update on the Biodiversity Genomics Europe (... Read more.
The hidden invasion along the Norwegian coast
Last week Line Willersrud, a Master student in our group, successfully defended her Master thesis “Assessing genetic biodiversity in Caprellidae”. S... Read more.