This month I will present to you a very small phylum of animals – both in size and in number of species. The phylum Cycliophora, which means the ring-bearer, comprises exactly one genus and two described species. These species are about 350 µm in body length, which is […]

Månedens gruppe: Cycliophora – ringbærerne og den «norske» fylumet
Denne måneden vil jeg presentere en svært liten dyregruppe – både i størrelse og i antall arter. Cycliophora, som betyr ringbærer, består av nøyaktig én slekt og to beskrevne arter. Disse artene er ca. 350 µm i kroppslengde, noe som er mindre enn en halv millimeter og omtrent […]

Group of the Month: Tree ferns – an Australian holiday discovery
A visit to the Adelaide Botanic Garden is certainly high up on the to-do list of a biologist visiting the capital of South Australia. In December 2024, a couple of days before the Australian midsummer, I had the pleasure to visit the Adelaide Botanic Garden and explored the […]

Door 23: Struggles, Setbacks & Solutions
I’m three out of four semesters deep into an MSc, meaning that in a few short months I will be delivering a completed thesis, with detailed results and an in-depth discussion. I’ve had a timeline laid out since the very beginning and am largely on track. That isn’t […]

Door 22: Mystery bird uniting different museum groups
Following the example of Pia’s post about the gift of collaboration, I will introduce you to a side project I did with two colleagues from a different research group at today’s door. It started with a strange sighting from a friend: a bird that looked like a species […]

Genomikk i det små – å få det gjort
Som nevnt i den første kalenderluken i årets adventskalender, er genomikk av smådyr utfordrende. I går ble Nhu Dinh ferdig med masteroppgaven sin, men hun fikk også erfare noen av utfordringene knyttet til smådyr og genomikk. Problemet er at noen av dem er så små og har så […]

Genomics of the small stuff – getting it done
As mentioned in the first calendar door of our advents calendar this year, genomics of small animals is challenging. Yesterday, Nhu Dinh successfully finished her Master thesis but she also experienced some of the challenges related to the small animals and genomics. The problem is that some of […]

Door 21: The evolution of stress related genes in parasitic flatworms
It is always a pleasure if international scientific cooperations deliver exciting results. This was the case with my cooperation with colleagues at the University Hasselt, Belgium. The study was a key component of the PhD thesis of Armando J. Cruz‑Laufer who also coordinated the drafting of the scientific […]