Månedens gruppe: Loricifera

I månedens gruppe i april tar vi for oss en hel fyla!Loricifera er en av de nyere gruppene, og ble først oppdaget i 1983. Siden den gang har 44 arter blitt navngitt, fra Frankrike til Antarktis og Japan, og flere oppdages hvert år. Jeg skrev en artikkel om […]

Stories from Slime Eels: How the Hagfish Helps Us Understand Humans

Hagfish, or “Slime Eels” (Slimåler in Norwegian, helpfully), are a group of deep-sea living fish that are most famous for the truly apocalyptic amounts of slime they can release when disturbed. In South Korea, they are eaten as a delicacy (and they are very nice – a bit […]

Group of the month: Dinophilidae

The group of the month I would like to introduce to you today is a group I have a close personal connection with. The group goes back a long way with me. I will present you the annelid family Dinophilidae. After my Diploma thesis (today Master thesis) on […]

Månedens gruppe: Dinophilidae

Månedens gruppe jeg vil presentere for dere i dag, er en gruppe jeg har et nært personlig forhold til. Gruppen har en lang historie for meg. Jeg vil presentere familien til Annelida Dinophilidae. Etter å ha skrevet diplomoppgave (i dag masteroppgave) om proteiner i et virus relatert til […]

New year – new name; FEZ is now CEG

As written in our last blog of the advent calendar, we had many changes already last year with a new group leader and a new group webpage, which we is still develop further this year. However, another change becoming effective this year is that we change the name […]

Nytt år – nytt navn; FEZ heter nå KEG

Som vi skrev i forrige blogg i adventskalenderen, hadde vi mange endringer allerede i fjor, med ny gruppeleder og en ny nettside, som vi skal videreutvikle i år. En annen endring som trer i kraft i år, er at vi skifter navn på gruppen vår og for første […]

Raising the treasure of the collections for barcoding

The Biodiversity Genomic Europe (BGE) project has three streams dealing with the biodiversity crisis. In the blog so far, we have mostly presented about one stream, the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) one concentrating on the genomic side of the project. However, another stream is concentrating on the […]

Door 16: Megarthrus of Mt. Cameroon and the Linnean Shortfall

Given this years theme of biodiversity, climate and conservation, I have decided to showcase a small part of my own MSc project for the advent calendar this year. As mentioned in a couple of the previous posts of the calendar, biodiversity is undergoing a crisis comparable only to […]

Day 14: When is a Larva like a Birthday Present?

For my second advent calendar entry this year, I would like to highlight one of the most exciting papers I’ve read recently. It came out just last month in Organisms Diversity & Evolution, and is titled “A new Loriciferan, Scaberiloricus samba gen. et sp. nov., links the Higgins larva and […]

The importance of the small stuff for science

Yesterday, we published an preprint on the meiofauna and why it is important to study them and which scientific questions should be addressed next. The publication involved 42 researchers from 44 institutions all around the world. The research was initiated and led by Alejandro Martínez and Diego Fontaneto […]