Door 12: Strongly biased representation of animal biodiversity in exhibitions

This year the museum has started to develop a new exhibition for our zoological museum. The former “Tree of Life” exhibition is now part of the new exhibitions in the geological museum. Accordingly, this hall is unused now and shall host a new exhibition about animal biodiversity. I […]

Training in African Insect Biodiversity

The recently started FEZ project ANTENNA received funding from Diku, the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education. The network of seven universities, one research institute and one NGO, in Norway and seven countries across Africa, will provide training in modern DNA-based molecular methods […]

Natural history collections in the molecular era

Public outreach is an important task for scientists, not only for those based at natural history museums. FEZ researchers aim at disseminating relevant topics relating to the group’s research interests to the public. In 2020, José, Torsten and Lutz published together with our colleague Arild Johnsen from the […]