The taxonomic challenge of the annelid genus Perinereis (Nereididae) just gets larger
Today, our paper about Perinereis species from the intertidal coasts of the Red Sea, Gulf of Suez and Suez Canal lead by Asmaa Haris Elgetany was published in ZooKeys.... Read more.
Do we need to lobby more for invertebrate taxonomy and biodiversity?
Spiders, insects and even more so worms and wormlike invertebrates are often considered ugly and disgusting, at least unappealing, and sometimes even dangerous.... Read more.
Group of the month: hairybellies (Gastrotricha)
What is so fascinating or even better said the beauty of working with tiny worms? Many might be curious about this, when they meet researchers like me. I would suggest... Read more.
Launch of Biodiversity Genomics Europe – sequencing the genomes of European species
After two years of hard work and many meetings, we can officially announce that the Biodiversity Genomics Europe consortium has started this month. The road to this... Read more.
Group of the month: Phylum Chordata, subphylum Tunicata (Previously Urochordata)
Written by Line Willersrud and Rita M. Austin The phylum Chordata contains the three subphylums, Tunicata, Cephalochordata and Vertebrata. Vertebrata, which includes... Read more.
Mapping distribution of cirratulid using Norwegian collections
We were fortunate to obtain finding from ArtsDatabanken for new project. Yesterday the contracts were signed and hence our project can start soon. We are an international... Read more.
Using skims of the genome to reveal if there are two genera in Allodia fungus gnats or not
Usually I work with marine invertebrates from a group called Lophotrochozoa, which comprises among others mollusks, segmented worms and flatworms. However, the paper... Read more.
Animal of the month: Cystophora cristata
By Pia Merete Eriksen and Rita M. Austin I think most of us conceptualize a seal as a comical or cute animal, darting through open waters – I don’t think many... Read more.
Finishing the tale of stone
In last year’s advents calendar, we presented the Master theses of two students. One of the students, Stian Aleksander Helsem has successfully defended his... Read more.
A visit, a small boat, a worm = a new record of an invasive species and a paper
In October 2018, Vasily Radashevsky from the Russian Academy of Sciences briefly visited our collection to go through the material of Spionidae, marine worms of... Read more.