Finishing the tale of stone
In last year’s advents calendar, we presented the Master theses of two students. One of the students, Stian Aleksander Helsem has successfully defended his... Read more.

A visit, a small boat, a worm = a new record of an invasive species and a paper
In October 2018, Vasily Radashevsky from the Russian Academy of Sciences briefly visited our collection to go through the material of Spionidae, marine worms of... Read more.

Stygocapitella – an incredibly old worm found beneath your beach towel
Species of the genus Stygocapitella belong to the ringed worms, also known as Annelida. Annelids are worms like earthworms, lugworm or christmas tree worms, but... Read more.

A new paper on Christmas tree worms from the Persian Gulf and the possible first case of heteroplasmy in Annelida
In pre-Covid times, Samaneh Pazoki has visited our lab for 6 months from Iran as part of her PhD. In the meantime, she has successfully defended her PhD and we could... Read more.

A US-Norwegian banker, Hawai’i and a spider genome – How do they come together for biodiversity research?
Written by Jose Cerca (former member of our group and now as a guest author on this blog) Spiders are some of the most charismatic animal lineages. Despite this,... Read more.

Door 5: Modern DNA Sequencing Meets Oslo Natural History Museum Wet Collections: Testing the Impact of Age and Formalin
Pia Merete Eriksen, Rita M. Austin In June 2021, I, Pia M Eriksen, conducted a research project under the guidance of Rita M Austin to sequence herptile type specimen... Read more.

Biodiversity research in the Genomics era
Sequencing technology has changed in research in biology tremendously and probably much more than any other technology before. The development from radioactivity-based... Read more.

Group of the month
Starting January 2022, we will post here every month a blog about an animal group we are working, are interested in or find generally interesting. We found like... Read more.

Old Specimens, New Scientist: A Student’s Account of Sequencing Historic Herptile Type Specimens
The Covid-19 shutdown and restrictions halted any opportunities to learn about and contribute to on-going research at the University of Oslo (UiO). Because I’m... Read more.

An initial foray into scientific research: Meet the new undergraduate research student at FEZ
Joining the FEZ group as part of the University of Oslo’s (UiO) Summer Research Program, Pia M. Eriksen is a Bachelor of Biosciences student taking part in an... Read more.