Door 22: Mystery bird uniting different museum groups
Following the example of Pia’s post about the gift of collaboration, I will introduce you to a side project I did with two colleagues from a different research... Read more.

Door 11: Finding new species to Norway – how easy can it be?
For most people, discovering new species seems like an extraordinary event, something that happens only once in a lifetime or at least something very rare. However,... Read more.

Vi presenterer MeioSkag: Meiofauna og interstitiell fauna i fire lophotrochozoan-grupper i Skagerrak
Tidligere i år fikk gruppen vår finansiert et nytt Artsprosjekt. Så la oss dykke ned i meiofaunaens verden. En stor del av det biologiske mangfoldet i havet finnes... Read more.

Introducing MeioSkag: Meiofauna and interstitial fauna of four lophotrochozoan groups of the Skagerrak
Earlier this year, our group got a new Artsprosjekt funded. So, let’s dive into the world of meiofauna. A substantial part of marine biodiversity occurs in the... Read more.

Tre-for-en-samletur til Sylt
Denne våren dro noen av oss i CEG-gruppen på ekskursjon til øya Sylt, som ligger ved Nordsjøkysten i Tyskland, like ved grensen til Danmark (Figur 1). Biologisk... Read more.

Three-in-one sampling trip to Sylt
This spring some of us at the CEG group went on a field trip to the island of Sylt, located on the North Sea coast of Germany, very close to the border with Denmark... Read more.

Group of the month: Nemertea
This month’s group of animals on the spotlight are nemerteans, also known as ribbon worms, vermiform creatures belonging to the phylum Nemertea. They include more... Read more.

Door 15: Improving marine biodiversity assessments by sampling larvae
Another paper I really enjoyed reading this year was “Sampling multiple life stages significantly increases estimates of marine biodiversity”, published last... Read more.

Door 2: Can distinction lead to extinction in birds?
Although I am working almost exclusively with marine invertebrates, one of my favourite papers this year was about birds. Hughes et al. (2022) set a quite ambitious... Read more.

Group of the month: Spaghetti worms (Annelida, Terebellidae)
Text and pictures by Maël Grosse Among all the worm-like animals in the sea, polychaetes, or bristle worms, are probably the most diverse and striking group. This... Read more.