Group of the month: The Laptev walrus – an enigmatic marine mammal

The walrus (Odobena rosmarus) is certainly one of the most fascinating arctic and enigmatic marine mammal species. It is the enormous size of the animal (it is the largest pinniped in the Northern Hemisphere) and the enormous tusks that attract our attention. Walruses are distributed in the circumpolar […]

Group of the month: Gregarisina

For this month’s group, I’m presenting you one of the three groups I am working with here at CEG group, the gregarines (Gregarisina, Apicomplexa). I got to know this group during my PhD research and I grew fond of them as study system for marine symbiosis. Gregarines are […]

Månedens gruppe: Loricifera

I månedens gruppe i april tar vi for oss en hel fyla!Loricifera er en av de nyere gruppene, og ble først oppdaget i 1983. Siden den gang har 44 arter blitt navngitt, fra Frankrike til Antarktis og Japan, og flere oppdages hvert år. Jeg skrev en artikkel om […]

Group of the month: Loricifera

For April’s group of the month, we’re tackling a whole phylum! As phyla go, Loricifera are one of the newer kids on the block, having been first discovered in only 1983. Since then, 44 species have been named, ranging from France to Antarctica to Japan, and more are […]

CEG med et sterkt engasjement for norsk biodiversitetsgenomikk

I forrige uke, 11. og 12. april, gikk den andre norske Biodiversitets- og genomikkonferansen i regi av EBP-Nor av stabelen i Forskningsparken i Oslo. Konferansen hadde interessante foredrag av Aoife McLysaght, Alexander Suh, Lene Lange og Olga Vinnere Petterson, men også vår gruppe var sterkt representert på konferansen. […]

CEG with a strong commitment to Norwegian Biodiversity Genomics

Last week on April 11th and 12th, the second Norwegian Biodiviersity and genomics conference organized by EBP-Nor took place at Forskningskparken in Oslo. The conference had interesting invited key lectures by Aoife McLysaght, Alexander Suh, Lene Lange and Olga Vinnere Petterson but also our group had a very […]

Det første ArtsDatabanken-prosjektet er vellykket avsluttet – nå begynner arbeidet

Det første ArtsDatabanken-prosjektet til vårt gruppemedlem Torsten Struck ble avsluttet med suksess denne måneden. Prosjektet var «Biodiversitet i det marine algebeltet» sammen med samarbeidspartnere fra Universitetet i Skøvde (Sverige), Universitetet i Gøteborg (Sverige), Humboldt-universitetet i Berlin (Tyskland) og Universitetet i Bonn (Tyskland). Prosjektet startet for fire år siden, […]

First ArtsDatabanken project successfully finished – now the work begins

The first ArtsDatabanken of our group member Torsten Struck finished successfully this month. The project was “Biodiversity in the marine algae belt” together with collaborators from the University of Skøvde (Sweden), University of Gothenborg (Sweden), Humboldt-University Berlin (Germany) and University of Bonn (Germany). The project started four years […]

Group of the month: Onchidioidea

Today I’m going to be talking about some cute little slugs, the Onchidioideans. These pulmonate, that is, lung-bearing, gastropods are ubiquitous across the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines, favoring the intertidal. What makes so many gastropods so interesting is their torsion, the rotational steps they undergo during development resulting […]

Group of the month: Nudibranchs

This month, I would like to present something different from my usual worms: the nudibranchs (order nudibranchia), otherwise known as sea slugs. They are not an organism I have ever studied or worked with, but I encounter them regularly while looking for worms. And one thing I particularly […]