Door 18: Ancestors in Evolutionary Biology: Linear Thinking about Branching Trees

As commented on a previous post of this 2022 Frontiers in Evolutionary Zoology advent calendar I have decided to briefly present you three works: a research paper, a researcher interview, and a book. Today, it is the turn of posting one of my favorite scientific books of the year.

At least in life sciences the main focus is on publishing scientific papers, and publications lists are very important in building up a scientific career. Accordingly, there is usually a high pressure to get the next paper out – the sooner the better. This leaves frequently – let’s admit it – little time for more exhaustive presentations of the field of interest. The general introduction part of papers has to be concise, and the deadline for the next grant or job application is usually close. The daily business and the need to follow up with an increasing number of published papers leaves little room for more general considerations and reflections.

This is the reason why I consider it a good idea to take a look at books from time to time too (not only new books, more classical ones can be an excellent resource too). On this post I have decided to present you here one book that has been published this year, “Ancestors in Evolutionary Zoology”.

This book is not only a comprehensive narration on the history of one of the core topics in evolutionary biology (ancestors), but also a great resource that sets the basis to initiate sophisticate discussions about the way in which linear thinking has shape our current understanding of the processes that surrounded us.

Hoping that you like it,




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