Door 17: Meet Finn, an adventurous zooplankton!
Hi! My name is Finn, and I’m a teen Calanus finmarchicus (proudly in my fifth copepodite stage of development!). I am honoured to open the Door 17! To be... Read more.

Door 6: Tiny Zooplankton with Giant Genetic Mysteries
For our 6th door, I want to introduce you to a puzzling aspect of my favorite study organism, Calanus—a group of tiny marine zooplankton that play a crucial... Read more.

The 2024 Master, PhD and PostDoc Days at the Natural History Museum Oslo
In their daily work early career students and scientists are usually very busy with generating and interpreting data for their scientific projects. But it is equally... Read more.

Door 18: The diet of Arctic little auks as an indicator of climate change… but only if we get it right!
For the Door 18 of our advent calendar, we are traveling to Svalbard to meet a tiny Arctic bird, the little auk Alle alle. The composition of its diet... Read more.

Door 11: Is there hope for krill under climate change?
Welcome to Door 11 of the 2023 Advent Calendar! Today, we will talk about an emblematic marine zooplankton: the krill! This is the opportunity for me to introduce... Read more.

Door 4: Challenges of species identification in marine zooplankton
For our 4th door, let’s dive into the marine realm of zooplankton! The plankton refers to all organisms that do not have the strength to swim against the currents... Read more.

Group of the month: Calanus (Copepoda)
For this month, the FEZ blog is starring a group of tiny, yet particularly important marine animals. Calanoid copepods of the genus Calanus (raudåte på norsk)... Read more.