Getting the boring stuff – Fieldwork in Sweden

From August 12th to 16th, I went to do fieldwork at the Kristineberg Center for Marine Research and Innovation (Sweden) together with Thomas Schwaha from the University of Vienna (Austria) and Nick Roberts from the University of Alabama (USA). The main goal of the fieldwork was to find […]

Få med de “boring” ting – Feltarbeid i Sverige

Fra 12. til 16. august dro jeg på feltarbeid ved Kristineberg senter for marin forskning og innovasjon (Sverige) sammen med Thomas Schwaha fra Universitetet i Wien (Østerrike) og Nick Roberts fra University of Alabama (USA). Hovedmålet med feltarbeidet var å finne Phoronis ovalis til InvertOmics-prosjektet for å få […]

Group of the month: hairybellies (Gastrotricha)

What is so fascinating or even better said the beauty of working with tiny worms? Many might be curious about this, when they meet researchers like me. I would suggest to look at the marvelous wonders of the hairybellies, the phylum Gastrotricha, and you will understand why it […]

Group of the month: Phylum Bryozoa

Here at our blog, we will keep writing posts about our current projects, but we’ll also start a new blog series; group of the month. To kick start the new year and the new series, I will present the first group: Bryozoa. As you might have understood by […]

A new PhD student in town

This year in September Alberto Valero-Gracia started has a new PhD student in our group. After completing a Bachelor + MSc degree at University Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) he worked as a Marie Curie researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Italy). Throughout his time in Spain and […]

The first door of the calendar

This year the FEZ group got a new FRIPRO project funded by the NFR called “InvertOmics – Phylogeny and evolution of lophotrochozoan invertebrates based on genomic data”. The project includes many members from FEZ (Alberto, James, Lutz and Torsten), other researchers at the NHM and international collaborators. So […]