We started this blog with an advent calendar for 2020 summarizing the highlights of our research year and presenting ourselves. Since we have continued that tradition.
Category: Advent calendar

The wrong food chain
Plastic pollution has become a major threat to many marine ecosystems, and there is a need for an improved understanding of its impact on marine organisms. The Masters thesis of Gordon Breckwoldt entitled “Elasmobranchs as bioindicators? A comparative study on ingestion of plastics in the Nordic region” aimed at quantifying […]

Natural history collections in the molecular era
Public outreach is an important task for scientists, not only for those based at natural history museums. FEZ researchers aim at disseminating relevant topics relating to the group’s research interests to the public. In 2020, José, Torsten and Lutz published together with our colleague Arild Johnsen from the […]

A new PhD student in town
This year in September Alberto Valero-Gracia started has a new PhD student in our group. After completing a Bachelor + MSc degree at University Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) he worked as a Marie Curie researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Italy). Throughout his time in Spain and […]

Summer project at rocky shores
Liepa Adomaityte, a Bachelor student associated with FEZ group, did her 2020 summer project studying speciation in a group of intertidal beetles distributed on both sides of the Northern Pacific. The (sub)genus Neochthebius (see photo of N. yoshitomii) is the only Northern Hemisphere lineage in the family Hydraenidae […]

The first defense
The FEZ group has only recently been established and hence so far we had no PhD student graduating from our group. This year was the premiere. Jose successfully defended his thesis with much appraisal by his opponents. Given the circumstances of this year it was a digital one […]

The first door of the calendar
This year the FEZ group got a new FRIPRO project funded by the NFR called “InvertOmics – Phylogeny and evolution of lophotrochozoan invertebrates based on genomic data”. The project includes many members from FEZ (Alberto, James, Lutz and Torsten), other researchers at the NHM and international collaborators. So […]