Group of the month: Acoela
Suddenly it’s already November, so let us introduce another cool animal in the FEZ blog. This time you can learn about an enigmatic little-known group: the acoels.... Read more.

How to spend summer in Norway: fieldwork on the west coast
Summer is here, so it’s time for the Artsdatabanken project team to go back to the field. Or to the sea, in our case. After driving 500km from the east to the... Read more.

Animal of the month: Phylum Nematomorpha
By Liepa Adomaityte Many of us would agree that planet Earth is filled with incredible beauty, and the flora and fauna we observe are breathtaking. However, in many... Read more.

International Seasons Greetings
Christmas is just around the corner, so it’s time to open the last door of our advent calendar. We hope you enjoyed this year’s wrap up. 2021 was a demanding... Read more.

Out of all things, why marine invertebrates?
By now, everyone knows that a lot of us in FEZ are working with marine invertebrates. But why? Aren’t these just weird worms that do nothing but crawl on the ocean... Read more.

Meet the critters from the Artsdatabanken project
After introducing the Artsdatabanken project and telling about our summer collection trips (Trøndelag and Oslo), it is time to present the six invertebrate groups... Read more.

Much more than a summer project: Two students retelling of the summer adventures in the Oslo fjord
The year 2021 was full of unexpected happenings and opportunities for both students, as in me Marianna Khodabandehlou and my fellow student, Sine Hagestad. We both... Read more.

On the hunt for marine invertebrates in Trøndelag
In the last two weeks of August, the ArtsDatabanken team has came together for the first big field trip. While sadly not everyone could join, seven researchers from... Read more.