Årets siste forsvar – med suksess

Denne uken var den siste hele uken før juleferien, hvor alle går på sin velfortjente ferie. Men til tross for at det har vært en rolig uke på museet, var det en stor dag for Nhu Dinh i dag. Hun forsvarte nemlig masteroppgaven sin i dag. Gratulerer Nhu […]

The last defense of the year – successfully

This week was the last full week before the Christmas break where everybody goes on their well deserved holidays. However, despite all the slowing down at the museum this week, today was a big day for Nhu Dinh. She successfully defended her Master thesis today. Congratulations Nhu Dinh. […]

Door 15: CEG involvement in the European BGE genome sequencing project

CEG research group members Torsten Struck and myself are coordinating the task of Community Sampling, within WP5 of the the EU-funded BioGenomics Europe project. We have now completed our task, well before the deadline of February 2025 set by BGE. Our task began with annoucing two public calls, […]

Door 13: Discovering hidden microscopic diversity in Norway

Whenever you hear the word fungi, chances are high that you are thinking of the colourful variation of mushroom fruiting bodies popping up in high abundance during the fall. Or maybe you’re thinking of the vast webs of underground mycelia that most fungi produce. For some, the frightening […]

Dør 13: Oppdag det skjulte mikroskopiske mangfoldet i Norge

Når du hører ordet sopp, er sjansen stor for at du tenker på den fargerike variasjonen av soppfruktlegemer som popper opp i store mengder om høsten. Eller kanskje du tenker på de enorme nettene av underjordiske mycel som de fleste sopper produserer. For noen er kanskje den skremmende […]

Door 11: Finding new species to Norway – how easy can it be?

For most people, discovering new species seems like an extraordinary event, something that happens only once in a lifetime or at least something very rare. However, for some groups of organisms, particularly understudied ones, it’s actually very easy to come across a new species to science and perhaps […]

Christmas in the Ocean: The Marvel of Christmas Tree Worms

Today, I want to introduce a fascinating group of worms that are particularly relevant during the Christmas season. Known as Christmas tree worms, these marine annelids belong to the family Serpulidae. They are renowned for their radiolar crowns and their habit of dwelling within calcareous tubes attached on […]

Dør 10: Fragmentering av habitater former billesamfunnene i afrikanske fjell

Menneskeskapte endringer og omdanning av skogøkosystemer fører til massive endringer i artssammensetningen i de berørte områdene. De storstilte økonomiske insentivene til avskoging, særlig i truet tropisk regnskog, spiller en viktig rolle i det raske tapet av habitater og natur som vi ser verden over. Selv i det langt […]

Door 2: Artificial intelligence and taxonomy

The recnt years have seen a hand over fist development of artificial intelligence (AI) applications, and such applications affect the daily life of scientists at an increasing pace, and the ongoing development may in the near future also modify our understanding of science in general. For biologist an […]

CEG with an even stronger commitment to Norwegian Biosystematics

After an already strong commitment to Norwegian Biodiversity Genomics earlier this year, CEG showed an even stronger commitment to Norwegian Biosystematics at the first ever “Norsk symposium i biosystematikk” organized by Artsdatankena and the Natural History Museum last week in Oslo. With 10 out of 49 contributed talks […]