Door 23: Struggles, Setbacks & Solutions

I’m three out of four semesters deep into an MSc, meaning that in a few short months I will be delivering a completed thesis, with detailed results and an in-depth discussion. I’ve had a timeline laid out since the very beginning and am largely on track. That isn’t […]

Genomics of the small stuff – getting it done

As mentioned in the first calendar door of our advents calendar this year, genomics of small animals is challenging. Yesterday, Nhu Dinh successfully finished her Master thesis but she also experienced some of the challenges related to the small animals and genomics. The problem is that some of […]

Genomikk i det små – å få det gjort

Som nevnt i den første kalenderluken i årets adventskalender, er genomikk av smådyr utfordrende. I går ble Nhu Dinh ferdig med masteroppgaven sin, men hun fikk også erfare noen av utfordringene knyttet til smådyr og genomikk. Problemet er at noen av dem er så små og har så […]

Årets siste forsvar – med suksess

Denne uken var den siste hele uken før juleferien, hvor alle går på sin velfortjente ferie. Men til tross for at det har vært en rolig uke på museet, var det en stor dag for Nhu Dinh i dag. Hun forsvarte nemlig masteroppgaven sin i dag. Gratulerer Nhu […]

The last defense of the year – successfully

This week was the last full week before the Christmas break where everybody goes on their well deserved holidays. However, despite all the slowing down at the museum this week, today was a big day for Nhu Dinh. She successfully defended her Master thesis today. Congratulations Nhu Dinh. […]

Door 15: CEG involvement in the European BGE genome sequencing project

CEG research group members Torsten Struck and myself are coordinating the task of Community Sampling, within WP5 of the the EU-funded BioGenomics Europe project. We have now completed our task, well before the deadline of February 2025 set by BGE. Our task began with annoucing two public calls, […]

Door 9: Divergence by isolation in Marine Mammals – the case of Kangia ringed seals

Cover: Picture by Greenland Institute of Natural Resources When I need to take a break from work, I often stroll around the Oslo Natural History Museum. Zoological collections have always fascinated me since I was a child, and now that I work for one of them I`m able […]

Door 8: Erasmus – exchange of knowledge across Europe

CEG has a long standing tradition of hosting Erasmus students for an internship. This year we also had two students visiting us from Sardinia during the summer. “Erasmus+ is the EU’s program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.” It is a program that facilities knowledge […]

Dør 8: Erasmus – utveksling av kunnskap på tvers av Europa

CEG har en lang tradisjon for å være vertskap for Erasmus-studenter på praksisopphold. I år hadde vi også to studenter på besøk fra Sardinia i løpet av sommeren. «Erasmus+ er EUs program for å støtte utdanning, opplæring, ungdom og idrett i Europa.» Det er et program som legger […]

Door 6: Tiny Zooplankton with Giant Genetic Mysteries

For our 6th door, I want to introduce you to a puzzling aspect of my favorite study organism, Calanus—a group of tiny marine zooplankton that play a crucial role in the North Atlantic and Arctic ecosystems. These crustaceans, no larger than a grain of rice, sustain our oceans and […]