Getting the boring stuff – Fieldwork in Sweden

From August 12th to 16th, I went to do fieldwork at the Kristineberg Center for Marine Research and Innovation (Sweden) together with Thomas Schwaha from the University of Vienna (Austria) and Nick Roberts from the University of Alabama (USA). The main goal of the fieldwork was to find […]

Få med de “boring” ting – Feltarbeid i Sverige

Fra 12. til 16. august dro jeg på feltarbeid ved Kristineberg senter for marin forskning og innovasjon (Sverige) sammen med Thomas Schwaha fra Universitetet i Wien (Østerrike) og Nick Roberts fra University of Alabama (USA). Hovedmålet med feltarbeidet var å finne Phoronis ovalis til InvertOmics-prosjektet for å få […]

How to spend summer in Norway: fieldwork on the west coast

Summer is here, so it’s time for the Artsdatabanken project team to go back to the field. Or to the sea, in our case. After driving 500km from the east to the west coast, through beautiful mountains and majestic fjords, we arrived at Austevoll (Figure 1), an archipelago […]

On the hunt for marine invertebrates in Trøndelag

In the last two weeks of August, the ArtsDatabanken team has came together for the first big field trip. While sadly not everyone could join, seven researchers from Oslo, Berlin and Gothenburg comprised the diverse and highly motivated group. The destination was Sletvik, a biological station in the […]

Sampling Modern Marine Invertebrates for Museum Research – A New Experience

While museum collections contain historic materials that provide insight into various evolutionary and social aspects of the past, museums are dynamic, not only for the types of collections they contain, but also for their diverse research foci. For the Natural History Museum of Oslo and the Frontiers in […]

Beetles, sheep and the Faroes

Between different lockdowns and corona restrictions, we were lucky enough to go to the Faroe Islands. The field work at the Faroe Islands was an important link for describing the Staphylinidae arrival to Iceland, given the Faroes Islands are being placed roughly midway between mainland Europe and Iceland. […]

Combining group fun with genomic research

The aim of our InvertOmics project is to obtain high-quality genomes for different spiralian/lophotrochozoan phyla at the level required by the Earth BioGenome Project. Therefore, we will use the new PacBio HiFi technology. However, this required high-molecular-weight DNA at really high quality and in high amount. This is […]

Beetles on the Falkland islands

Field work is an important activity for many researchers at the museum. Every field trip contributes to development of the museum collection and adds species that the collection has been lacking. Sampling in poorly studied parts of the world results in discovery of many species unknown to science. […]