Door 10: Habitat fragmentation shaping the beetle communities of African mountains

Human-mediated alteration and conversion of forest ecosystems cause massive changes in the species compositions of communities in affected areas. The large scale monetary incentives of deforestation, especially in threatened tropical rainforests, plays a massive role in the rapid loss of habitats and nature seen worldwide. Even in the […]

Dør 10: Fragmentering av habitater former billesamfunnene i afrikanske fjell

Menneskeskapte endringer og omdanning av skogøkosystemer fører til massive endringer i artssammensetningen i de berørte områdene. De storstilte økonomiske insentivene til avskoging, særlig i truet tropisk regnskog, spiller en viktig rolle i det raske tapet av habitater og natur som vi ser verden over. Selv i det langt […]

Systematics and ecosystem function – can they go together?

In the summer of last year, Zoologica Scripta organized an international symposium around the topic of ‘The role of systematics for understanding ecosystem functions’ in the premises of Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters in Oslo. The symposium aimed at offering a forum for exploring and discussing trends […]

Door 12: Measuring Functional Diversity

Currently, the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) is going on in Montreal, Canada. Again a COP soon after an earlier COP, namely the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) has been held in November in Sharm-El-Sheick, Egypt. For many of us, including myself, the twin crises of climate change and […]