CEG with an even stronger commitment to Norwegian Biosystematics

After an already strong commitment to Norwegian Biodiversity Genomics earlier this year, CEG showed an even stronger commitment to Norwegian Biosystematics at the first ever “Norsk symposium i biosystematikk” organized by Artsdatankena and the Natural History Museum last week in Oslo. With 10 out of 49 contributed talks […]

CEG med enda sterkere satsing på norsk biosystematikk

Etter et allerede sterkt engasjement for norsk biodiversitetsgenomikk tidligere i år, viste CEG et enda sterkere engasjement for norsk biosystematikk på tidenes første «Norsk symposium i biosystematikk» som ble arrangert av Artsdatankena og Naturhistorisk Museum i Oslo forrige uke. Med 10 av 49 foredrag og “flash talks” bidro […]

Månedens gruppe: De “boring” ormene

Denne måneden vil vi presentere de “boring” ormene. Dette er ormer av forskjellige slekter, som tilhører polychaete-familien Spionidae. Polychaeter kalles også flerbørstemarker, ettersom de ofte har et stort antall (poly) børster (chaetae) på segmentene sine. Familien Spionidae er en familie som omfatter mer enn 600 arter i mer […]

Group of the month: The boring worms

This month, we will present to you the boring worms. These are worms of different genera, which belong to the polychaete family Spionidae. Polychaetes are also called bristle worms as the often have a large number (poly) of bristles (chaetae) on their segments. The family Spionidae is a […]

First ArtsDatabanken project successfully finished – now the work begins

The first ArtsDatabanken of our group member Torsten Struck finished successfully this month. The project was “Biodiversity in the marine algae belt” together with collaborators from the University of Skøvde (Sweden), University of Gothenborg (Sweden), Humboldt-University Berlin (Germany) and University of Bonn (Germany). The project started four years […]

Det første ArtsDatabanken-prosjektet er vellykket avsluttet – nå begynner arbeidet

Det første ArtsDatabanken-prosjektet til vårt gruppemedlem Torsten Struck ble avsluttet med suksess denne måneden. Prosjektet var «Biodiversitet i det marine algebeltet» sammen med samarbeidspartnere fra Universitetet i Skøvde (Sverige), Universitetet i Gøteborg (Sverige), Humboldt-universitetet i Berlin (Tyskland) og Universitetet i Bonn (Tyskland). Prosjektet startet for fire år siden, […]

Door 13: The diversity of tasks for a PhD-student at NHM

Today is the 13th of December, as today I have chosen a different aspect of “diversity” namely the diversity of tasks a PhD-student at the Natural History museum can and have to do. Being a PhD-student involves a rollercoaster of emotions and a very diverse, flexible, demanding and […]

The hidden invasion along the Norwegian coast

Last week Line Willersrud, a Master student in our group, successfully defended her Master thesis “Assessing genetic biodiversity in Caprellidae”. She worked very hard for her thesis by collecting caprellid species along the Norwegian coast as part of the Artsdatabanken project “Assessing biodiversity in the marine algae belt“, […]

Teaching about sea squirts, worms and skeleton shrimps in Drøbak

As part of the ArtsDatabanken project “Assessing biodiversity in the marine algae belt“, we taught a class of eager students and consultants about the species of our project. The course did not only comprise theoretical lectures, but really hands-on experience. We went out to different spots in Drøbak […]

Group of the month: Nemertea

This month’s group of animals on the spotlight are nemerteans, also known as ribbon worms, vermiform creatures belonging to the phylum Nemertea. They include more than 1300 species, typically long and slender with soft contractile bodies. Most nemerteans are marine, predominantly benthic or bottom dwellers, but some species […]