Vi presenterer MeioSkag: Meiofauna og interstitiell fauna i fire lophotrochozoan-grupper i Skagerrak

Tidligere i år fikk gruppen vår finansiert et nytt Artsprosjekt. Så la oss dykke ned i meiofaunaens verden. En stor del av det biologiske mangfoldet i havet finnes i rommet mellom sandkornene, grusen og steinene i sedimentene. Arter som lever her, også kjent som meiofauna, utgjør et avgjørende […]

Introducing MeioSkag: Meiofauna and interstitial fauna of four lophotrochozoan groups of the Skagerrak

Earlier this year, our group got a new Artsprosjekt funded. So, let’s dive into the world of meiofauna. A substantial part of marine biodiversity occurs in the space between the sand grains, gravel and stones of sediments. Species that live here, also known as meiofauna, comprise a crucial […]

Group of the month September– Viola

This month I wish to present a group that I have been working on for nearly 30 years, the angiosperm genus Viola which comprises violets and pansies (Figure 1). Our group recently produced a monograph of the genus (Marcussen et al. 2022) – the first comprehensive (and very […]

Tre-for-en-samletur til Sylt

Denne våren dro noen av oss i CEG-gruppen på ekskursjon til øya Sylt, som ligger ved Nordsjøkysten i Tyskland, like ved grensen til Danmark (Figur 1). Biologisk forskning har lange tradisjoner i dette området og Sylt er en av de få «hotspottene» i verden innen meiofaunaforskning. Heldigvis ligger […]

Three-in-one sampling trip to Sylt

This spring some of us at the CEG group went on a field trip to the island of Sylt, located on the North Sea coast of Germany, very close to the border with Denmark (Figure 1). Biological research has a long tradition in this area, and Sylt in […]

Group of the month: Loricifera

For April’s group of the month, we’re tackling a whole phylum! As phyla go, Loricifera are one of the newer kids on the block, having been first discovered in only 1983. Since then, 44 species have been named, ranging from France to Antarctica to Japan, and more are […]

First ArtsDatabanken project successfully finished – now the work begins

The first ArtsDatabanken of our group member Torsten Struck finished successfully this month. The project was “Biodiversity in the marine algae belt” together with collaborators from the University of Skøvde (Sweden), University of Gothenborg (Sweden), Humboldt-University Berlin (Germany) and University of Bonn (Germany). The project started four years […]

Det første ArtsDatabanken-prosjektet er vellykket avsluttet – nå begynner arbeidet

Det første ArtsDatabanken-prosjektet til vårt gruppemedlem Torsten Struck ble avsluttet med suksess denne måneden. Prosjektet var «Biodiversitet i det marine algebeltet» sammen med samarbeidspartnere fra Universitetet i Skøvde (Sverige), Universitetet i Gøteborg (Sverige), Humboldt-universitetet i Berlin (Tyskland) og Universitetet i Bonn (Tyskland). Prosjektet startet for fire år siden, […]

Stories from Slime Eels: How the Hagfish Helps Us Understand Humans

Hagfish, or “Slime Eels” (Slimåler in Norwegian, helpfully), are a group of deep-sea living fish that are most famous for the truly apocalyptic amounts of slime they can release when disturbed. In South Korea, they are eaten as a delicacy (and they are very nice – a bit […]

New year – new name; FEZ is now CEG

As written in our last blog of the advent calendar, we had many changes already last year with a new group leader and a new group webpage, which we is still develop further this year. However, another change becoming effective this year is that we change the name […]