Here we blog about our research on working with DNA from museum samples done by different members of the group and all around collections.
Category: Museomics

Sampling Modern Marine Invertebrates for Museum Research – A New Experience
While museum collections contain historic materials that provide insight into various evolutionary and social aspects of the past, museums are dynamic, not only for the types of collections they contain, but also for their diverse research foci. For the Natural History Museum of Oslo and the Frontiers in […]

Type Specimen Genetics?
Until relatively recently, museum collections have been amassed and utilized to investigate the morphological variation seen within and across species to understand evolutionary change. With the advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) and improved molecular methodologies, natural history collections have become ideal sources of curated (documented) materials to […]

New Paper Exposing The Challenges and Limitations Inherent to Ancient Dietary Reconstructions Using Dental Calculus Metagenomic Data
Author: Rita Austin (former group member) New research highlights and tests the limitations of dental calculus (i.e., calcified dental plaque), a microbiome substrate regularly used to reconstruct ancient foodways. Under the direction of Allison E. Mann from Clemson University, a collaborative team analyzed both synthetic and ancient dental […]

The Most Typical of All: Museum Type specimens
Natural history collections contain a plethora of objects, organisms, and information, representing real-world diversity, variation, and relationships. Collections allow scientists to understand and classify the natural world. Within biology, scientists classify and categorize animal species using taxonomy, a classification system based on the identification, description, and naming of […]

Bringing museum specimens back into the light: Meet the new postdoctoral researcher molecularly exploring museum collections
Rita M. Austin, a recent addition to the FEZ group, is working as a postdoctoral researcher exploring and optimizing the recovery of museum biomolecules in the Oslo Natural History Museum collections. Rita completed her PhD earlier this year at the University of Oklahoma, where she conducted meta- and […]