The recently started FEZ project ANTENNA received funding from Diku, the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education. The network of seven universities, one research institute and one NGO, in Norway and seven countries across Africa, will provide training in modern DNA-based molecular methods and data analyses for entomology students and integrate them in research on insect biodiversity. In 2020 the project has been on hold due to the covid-19 pandemic. We look forward to resuming the training and field work in 2021.
The photo shows the first group of the project trainees at the DNA lab of the Natural History Museum, September 2019.

Text in the teaser: Today’s door shows our training of Master students and faculty from different African universities in modern methods in Insect Biodiversity research through DIKU funding.
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Picture in the teaser:

I humbly request to join the trainees in modern methods in Insect Biodiversity research as you resume this 2021.